We are passionate in our opinion that the world has long since exceeded its quota in the mediocrity department.
We believe our professional calling is to deliver quality. And not simply run-of-the-mill, five-star quality.
For Yufu, nothing less than brain-spray awesome quality will do, down to the finest detail. This atypically high quality bar leads us to sweat every pixel, every second of transcode, every customer. Mediocre companies sleep soundly with vertical black bars present. We are insomniacs in the presence of those waywardly rendered images.

We believe customers will respond to this neurotic focus on quality. We are comfortable knowing that many reasonable people will consider our standards to be too high.
We obsess over our customers. And we have several types of customers: Hotels and Restaurants, Real Estate Companies, Commercial Exhibition Space, Interior Designers, Advertisers, etc. Delighting each of these customers is vital to our future.

We go after world-class talent … around the world, in fact. We have attracted some of the best and brightest from Italy, Germany, Russia, Canada and Spain. Our expectations are extremely high and we hold ourselves accountable. We all do the dirty work. No one in the company sees themselves above any task.

We believe that Yufu’s trajectory will be a function of the strength of our ideas and the quality of our execution. We believe that neither groundbreaking ideas nor great execution are found exclusively at higher levels of an organization, particularly ours. Most times, it is just the opposite. Out of necessity as much as philosophical preference, Yufu prides itself on being a meritocracy. We bet on talent, tenacity, and quality bars … not previous titles.
There are a number of things that don’t matter to Yufu. Some of these things include: impressive titles, swanky office furniture, hierarchy, and nice working lunch. Though most people profess not to care about these things, we’ve found that many people actually do care about these things. That is fine, but it also means that Yufu would be a very bad match for those same people.

While we take our mission extremely seriously, we don’t take ourselves seriously and, in fact, embrace fun as often as we can find it.
We realize that our undertaking is both bold and incredibly ambitious. We are aiming to dramatically improve and change the power of images. Take the best that exists and make it better, when it does not exist, patience to wait, design it. Strive for perfection in all photographs we take. Our core business is to promote the brand image, rapid development, create value.